Mountain Wedding

Here it is, honesty and all, this wedding was one of the most magical weddings I’ve gotten the opportunity to shoot. There are a couple reasons why this wedding held a special place in my heart. But first, let me introduce Madi and Will. So one, I LOVE hearing about how a couple met, or your first date, and any of the love-y dove-y stuff your friends are over listening to. I’m HERE for it! I’m the world’s biggest sap! These two had their first date at the movies and Madi was dropped off by a friend to meet him. All went well until they were walking back to his car and he didn’t remember where he park! Will was so excited that he FORGOT what parking garage he was in! Talk about a ‘Dude where is my car?’ moment while trying to look cool and impress his date! They spent the next hour in and out of several parking garages, cracking jokes and laughing the whole time until they found his car. It was a normal date that turned into a cute story they still laugh about.

So the first reason this wedding was so amazing is probably the most obvious. The view and setting was extraordinary. I love weddings that are filled with a sense of adventure mixed with a lot of nature! The whole day had weather, floating clouds, and mountains that Bob Ross would be proud to paint. Mix that with a super in love couple looking flawless…it doesn’t get better!

But the real reason this wedding stands out in my mind, began with a nervous text.

Madi found herself planning a traditional wedding right along with friends that were also engaged. She had the church booked, the reception booked, the photographer booked (that’s me!), yet something felt off. The thrill that she saw in her friends planning their wedding, wasn’t hitting the same for her. That’s when she realized she didn’t want all this; the big traditional wedding that everyone she knew was having. What she really wanted was to get married in the mountains with the people that mean the most to her and Will. So they made the decision to start their life together on their terms… the way they envisioned it. And that’s why it’s so special because so many couple try to make it amazing for everyone else, but they rest of your lives aren’t lived for everyone else. I heard someone say recently that, “the moment you are in creates your future'“. I feel that this deeply applies to how you view your wedding. I’m not saying don’t have the big wedding at the church, I’m saying do what is reflective of yourselves. The authenticity in that will make the best day of your life even better.

So Madi and Will called the church and cancelled. They called the reception hall and cancelled. They reached out to their guests to let them know their big wedding is now going to be a micro wedding. And she nervously texted me to meet with her to ask me if will I would travel to Colorado to shoot her wedding. Not only was I like, “HELL YES”, …but I was also proud of her.

If I could impart any advice for couples, remember to breathe, zoom out, and live the story you want to retell.

I’ll be there to capture it for you.

Much Love,

Chelsea Sorensen






Sentimental Chic: Creative Ways to Infuse Your Wedding with Heart & History!